I’ve gotten some good feedback on my first post. Some things that need clearing up - Yes, I said I was dating seven girls, which is true, I am dating them. As in I am going out on dates with them. I have not inferred to any of them that we are going steady, or that she should tell her parents about me or anything close to that. I did not meet any of these girls before three weeks ago, so we are in the “trying each other out” phase. In fact, I have made a semi point to bring up that “I’m really not trying to rush into a relationship, but rather concentrating on having a good time and enjoying their company”. I explain to them that I was in a long relationship with someone that I continued to date well after it faded and that if I’m going to start dating someone seriously again, I’m not going to settle. That my next relationship is going to be with someone “that is really great.” The things that blew me away about having this conversation: first it’s honest. Come to find that, wow girls really like honesty. I was doing it so wrong for so many years, with white and blatant lies that I would tell girls in order to compensate for my perceived shortcomings. Whether it be how much I made, my lifestyle, where I’ve been, where I’m going, you name it, I exaggerated or lied because I thought “Oh she’ll be super attracted to me if I tell her this.” Couldn’t of been more wrong. If anything I’ve turned them on even more because I’ve just owned everything. Whether it be my tiny apartment, dated wardrobe, $20 dollar watch, whatever, I crack a joke, acknowledge it, and then put some more attention on her. “Yep, they don’t make shirts like these anymore, this is some quality product. I really like your top though, is that satin?” “Good eye! I got it at a flea market in Nicaragua and blah blah blah”. “Now don’t get all excited about the size of my apartment, yes it is massive, but still she’s full of character. If you could live anywhere in the city where would it be?” “Definitely TriBeCa. How amazing would it be to have Jay Z and Beyonce as neighbors?! I saw Destiny’s Child live once and blah blah blah.” “This watch I picked out drunk at Target. (True story) But look at you, you girls freakin’ love Michael Kors” “Yah I love this watch. My best friends older sister dated his cousin and blah blah blah”. They REALLY like being asked questions, like all the time, about fucking anything. “Do you like celery?” “I love celery! My mom would make me ants on a log every day when I got home from school and blah blah blah.” Reverting back to honesty when it comes to discussing the relationship, the idea that I’m not settling, and that I’m looking for something special, which they are clearly in the running for, they love that shit. No one wants to be a resort, or second best or anything else. So now she’s almost auditioning to be your girl and showing all her talents and positive attributes. Seriously, this is what has been happening.
Another thing is, no, I am not using any of these girls. I think I have the opposite of primal instincts. For me, it is probably 98% about the hunt, the chase, whatever you want to call it, and the physical is just the awesome other two percent. What I’m after is that look in her eye and that big smile where you just know you’re fuckin golden. The only way that I have hooked up with any of them is if I am INVITED back to THEIR place. Turns out, once again, I was doing it wrong for so long. Before, I had this idea that “OK, all I have to do is get her back to my place, make her a drink, put on a movie, suggest we go in my bedroom, etc.” No dummy, it is 100% about her comfort level. She is WAY more likely to get weird with you if it is on her terms, her turf, her everything. And believe me, if you’re doing it right she will absolutely invite you over, offer a nightcap, want you to walk her home, etc. The less I push, the more they pull. I’m astounded by the amount of times I’ve heard “I’ve never done this” “I never do this” “This is crazy” “I can’t believe I am doing this” “Is this actually happening”, you name it. All because I’ve flexed nuts let her know I’m about it, but never push it. Start a little fire and let her decide how much gas to throw on it.
So as you can imagine, I woke up the next morning after the initial Disney night, described in the last post, with a pretty big smile. But then it was quickly wiped off my face because, oh wait now I’m 100% sober, and oh man I’m not going to be able to do this. I was wrong. I’m not trying to be Tony Robbins here and I’m not trying to tell anyone their life is shit for not doing this. This is just the stuff that REALLY worked for me, and has made a profoundly positive impact on my life. Take from it what you will. The first thing i started doing was - Hold eye contact with every single person you come in contact with. You are for sure going to feel super weird when you first do this, but trust me, what you will get from it is unbelievable. This includes every person that you walk by, stand on the train with, have a conversation with, whatever. What you find out is, wow people really don’t like looking other people in the eye. You find that people will immediately look down, look away, anything to erase the fact that you two just made eye contact. It is something alpha. Watch Discovery channel with any pack animal or scold a dog, the weaker will bow his head, and look away, it is no different with humans. Now I’m not saying go stare daggers at people, but just simply don’t be the one to look away first. This just shows that you are comfortable, secure, confident, etc. This has helped me immensely with girls (and with sales with my job.) I use to never look at them in the eyes, I thought I did, but I really didn’t. I would always say a couple words while looking at them and then look away for a couple words, and then look at them again, etc. But looking at them square in the eye and not looking away, has been the most powerful tool for me attracting these women than any joke, witty banter, or anything else. Without fail this is how it goes, “Why are you looking at me like that?” “What? I’m not allowed to look at you? (Sometimes I throw in something along the lines of “I like to look at pretty girls). “Yah, but it makes me uncomfortable”. Sounds weird to hear that, but she means uncomfortable in a good way, and she'll usually says exactly that. “I’m sorry, I would never want to make you uncomfortable. You just have really great eyes”. THE BIGGEST SMILE EVER FROM HER. Next thing, you two are just gazing and smiling, and usually I’ll get something about my eyes being blue, or that I have really long eyelashes and blah blah blah. This is the end game, when you start looking everyone in the eye, you get really fucking good at gazing. I used to think there wasn’t a difference between, looking, staring, gazing, what have you. Gazing is something so different and so fucking powerful when it comes to attraction that I am in awe of it every time. The eye contact thing is also just great for every interaction you have in your life. Conversations will go so much better, your words will elicit much more interest, people will give you more respect, and a million other things. Like I said, this was decently tough for me, but now I thrive off it. My favorite thing ever is being on the train and standing across from a gorilla of a man, with arms that could snap my torso in half, and look at him straight in the eye. I’m not staring, I’m just looking at him in the eye. At first he’s gonna fucking look right back at me because “he benches 400lbs and I sweat when I eat.” Then about five seconds goes by and I can almost hear his thoughts “Why the fuck is he looking at me??” And he doesn’t know that this is a game and no matter what I am not going to be the first one to look away. He then may try to eek out another two seconds of eye contact, but I’m not going anywhere. Then, he has no other choice but to look away. He’ll shake his head a little, then flex his arms, and puff out his chest, convincing himself he’s still king dick. And I’ll keep on looking at him and wait for him to make eye contact again and that’s when I’ll flash a smile that says “You’re a fuckin pussy”. And then go about my subway ride. It’s amazing. And all you were doing is looking at someone. Its that whole 90% of communication isn't with words. I don’t believe that being confrontational with people in your life is healthy at all, but strangers? Fuck strangers. Get your testosterone flowing a little bit, feel your balls swell up - Fuck yah I’m a dude. And now I’m gonna throw some eyes at this blonde bitty across the aisle and let her know I like the way she’s put together.
I guess, the best way to go about this is to go in chronological of when I met these girls. So I woke up that Sunday after Disney, determined to keep it going. Blasted tunes, showered, and threw on Redskins gear and headed to the Redskins bar Redemption. My thoughts were - my chances for success would be much higher with finding a girl with similar interests, i.e. the Redskins. It is also important to point out, once again I was being a bitch. Stacking the deck is something that a weak player has to do - winners just win. Regardless, I head up to the bar, and it’s packed. I scope out the front bar, packed, make my way to the back bar, packed. The bartender however sees me looking for a seat, and lets me know that there is one seat available at the end of the bar. Party of one? Yes. My friends who like the Redskins in the city suck. Anyways, I’m at the bar and the bartender is a fuckin babe. Like holy shit. I’m determined, so I make real effort to conversate with her. I order a Bud Light because I’m broke and they are only $3 during the game. As I try to stomach the sad excuse of a lager (sorry I’ve become a bit of a beer snob) I start firing questions at her, but really am not giving off a vibe of hey I’m attracted to you, but rather hey I’m super friendly. Read:pussy. She is however, being super nice, and it doesn’t take long for me to figure out she is super dumb. I know there are tons of smart, vibrant, sexy bartenders out there, especially in the city, but she was not one of them. Highlights included her thinking that beer has only been around since the 20th century, right angles were 180 degrees (don’t ask), and that New York City was the capital of New York. She was however, wearing a crop top Skins tee (fucking hot), and booty shorts, so I listened intently on the knowledge she was dropping on me. I surprisingly was making her a little jealous by talking to the girl next to me, who was married, sucks, but still was very talkative and flirty. Then two things happened one utterly amazing, the other not so much. So wearing her little skimpy outfit, she hands me her phone and asks to take a picture. Ok. So I’m lining her up and she throws up deuces and a duck face. Aw that’s sad. I take the picture and she takes back her phone and she is sending it to someone. “Oh who are you sending it to? You’re boooyfriend?” “No, my dad”...Uhhh, what the fuck? Crop top, booty shorts, deuces, duck face, Dad, got it. Then 5 minutes later one of the best things I have ever seen in a bar happened. Redemption was doing $25 120oz beer towers (that really looked like massive blenders, not tall thin towers). So the girl and the guy two people away from me order one. The bartender is maybe 115lbs and the beer towers are pretty heavy. I watched the whole scenario start to finish. The bartender is struggling a little trying to fill up the beer tower. She successfully does that, but now she has to take the tower and put it on the base that has the spout that pours out the beer. She goes to put it in and completely misses and essentially launches 120oz of beer on this poor girl. It was like throwing a full bucket of beer into the girls face, hair, and body. She literally showered her with beer. The girl lets out a blood curdling scream and can’t do anything, but just take it. I immediately start laughing and could not stop. I felt REALLY bad for both the girl and the bartender, but I simply could not stop laughing. I mean this girl was just sitting at the bar soaked almost head to toe in beer. The bartender was obviously very apologetic and gave her a bar tshirt to change into and all the rest, but she still was sitting there sopping wet with beer. God, that must of sucked.
Its around this time that I leave my seat and start walking around trying to find girls that look available. I come across two girls, one is tall, blonde, kinda gangly, and the other is shorter, brunette, great face, great body. I concentrate on the latter. I forget what I said, but if I had to guess I probably said something along the lines of “Please tell me you saw that” Of course neither of them saw the beer shower, so I had to describe it in detail, and then I’m pretty sure I came across like a bit of an asshole because I was laughing the entire time while telling the story. Somehow I’m pretty relaxed, trying to remember everything that worked last night, and so on. Talking to her and hearing her vocabulary, it is very clear this chick is bright, like really bright. She’s a lawyer, Gettysburg undergrad, Villanova grad. Worked commercial litigation for some mega firm in midtown, but about a month ago she came to the conclusion she really wasn’t happy and is now taking some time off to figure things out. She is actually a Pats fan and was just giving her friend company for the Skins game. OK, so lets break this down. She’s smarter than me, check, made probably 4x what I do, check, has a JD from a prestigious university, check, is way more attractive, check. It’s good to swing for the fences. I built pretty good rapport with her, especially when it came to her reevaluating her career and taking some time off (go figure). I was asking a lot of the right questions, and I could tell she was feeling me, but on no grand scale. Holy shit, am I gonna go two for two? Things were going pretty well, and then boom, silence. Instead of not being phased by it at all, letting the silence happen and then picking up another conversation naturally, I awkwardly stare at the game and sip my beer like I’m on the lawn in a King of the Hill episode. And of course, a bro that was talking to her blonde friend swoops right in and starts a dialog. Mother fucker. I strangely stand on the sideline and try to interject a word or two so it will be like a awesome four friend convo, super cool! Then I get straight boxed out by bro dog, and I am now having a terrible conversation with the blonde. This happens for probably the next 15 minutes. I become frustrated and despondent that I essentially just got worked. Half time hits and I announce to the “group” that I was going to hit up another bar and meet my friends, lie. I mope down the stairs and start heading for the door. Then I become almost enraged with myself. You fucking pussy, you fucking pussy, you fucking pussy. She was starting to dig you and you let some bro dog swoop in? You fucking pussy.
I make it to the door and have the quintessential "Fuck It" moment. So what, I’m going to walk back up, ask her out, she’s gonna say no, and then I’m never going to see her again, whatever. I walk back up the stairs, head straight towards her. Bro dog is in the middle of the conversation, I put my hand on his shoulder say “Excuse me” and then put my body in between her and him. Balls. I muster a half cocked “Hey would you maybe want to go out sometime?”. But I asked in a "You're probably going to say no, but I was just wondering" type of way. Pussy. “Umm yah. Take down my number.” To say I was shocked doesn’t begin to scrape the surface of what I was feeling. So much so that I grab my phone and just dial her number and hit send (not saving it in contacts or anything). “Ok cool, I’ll be in touch.” As I turn around to walk back out of the bar, I catch bro dogs face. It’s all about little victories. I won’t be forgetting what his face looked like for a long time. It was a great walk home. Until I realized I have no fucking clue what her name is. Like not even what it started with, nada. Fuck. So she was saved as Lawyer. Once again, waited a day, and tried to come up with as witty of a text as I could.
Another thing is, no, I am not using any of these girls. I think I have the opposite of primal instincts. For me, it is probably 98% about the hunt, the chase, whatever you want to call it, and the physical is just the awesome other two percent. What I’m after is that look in her eye and that big smile where you just know you’re fuckin golden. The only way that I have hooked up with any of them is if I am INVITED back to THEIR place. Turns out, once again, I was doing it wrong for so long. Before, I had this idea that “OK, all I have to do is get her back to my place, make her a drink, put on a movie, suggest we go in my bedroom, etc.” No dummy, it is 100% about her comfort level. She is WAY more likely to get weird with you if it is on her terms, her turf, her everything. And believe me, if you’re doing it right she will absolutely invite you over, offer a nightcap, want you to walk her home, etc. The less I push, the more they pull. I’m astounded by the amount of times I’ve heard “I’ve never done this” “I never do this” “This is crazy” “I can’t believe I am doing this” “Is this actually happening”, you name it. All because I’ve flexed nuts let her know I’m about it, but never push it. Start a little fire and let her decide how much gas to throw on it.
So as you can imagine, I woke up the next morning after the initial Disney night, described in the last post, with a pretty big smile. But then it was quickly wiped off my face because, oh wait now I’m 100% sober, and oh man I’m not going to be able to do this. I was wrong. I’m not trying to be Tony Robbins here and I’m not trying to tell anyone their life is shit for not doing this. This is just the stuff that REALLY worked for me, and has made a profoundly positive impact on my life. Take from it what you will. The first thing i started doing was - Hold eye contact with every single person you come in contact with. You are for sure going to feel super weird when you first do this, but trust me, what you will get from it is unbelievable. This includes every person that you walk by, stand on the train with, have a conversation with, whatever. What you find out is, wow people really don’t like looking other people in the eye. You find that people will immediately look down, look away, anything to erase the fact that you two just made eye contact. It is something alpha. Watch Discovery channel with any pack animal or scold a dog, the weaker will bow his head, and look away, it is no different with humans. Now I’m not saying go stare daggers at people, but just simply don’t be the one to look away first. This just shows that you are comfortable, secure, confident, etc. This has helped me immensely with girls (and with sales with my job.) I use to never look at them in the eyes, I thought I did, but I really didn’t. I would always say a couple words while looking at them and then look away for a couple words, and then look at them again, etc. But looking at them square in the eye and not looking away, has been the most powerful tool for me attracting these women than any joke, witty banter, or anything else. Without fail this is how it goes, “Why are you looking at me like that?” “What? I’m not allowed to look at you? (Sometimes I throw in something along the lines of “I like to look at pretty girls). “Yah, but it makes me uncomfortable”. Sounds weird to hear that, but she means uncomfortable in a good way, and she'll usually says exactly that. “I’m sorry, I would never want to make you uncomfortable. You just have really great eyes”. THE BIGGEST SMILE EVER FROM HER. Next thing, you two are just gazing and smiling, and usually I’ll get something about my eyes being blue, or that I have really long eyelashes and blah blah blah. This is the end game, when you start looking everyone in the eye, you get really fucking good at gazing. I used to think there wasn’t a difference between, looking, staring, gazing, what have you. Gazing is something so different and so fucking powerful when it comes to attraction that I am in awe of it every time. The eye contact thing is also just great for every interaction you have in your life. Conversations will go so much better, your words will elicit much more interest, people will give you more respect, and a million other things. Like I said, this was decently tough for me, but now I thrive off it. My favorite thing ever is being on the train and standing across from a gorilla of a man, with arms that could snap my torso in half, and look at him straight in the eye. I’m not staring, I’m just looking at him in the eye. At first he’s gonna fucking look right back at me because “he benches 400lbs and I sweat when I eat.” Then about five seconds goes by and I can almost hear his thoughts “Why the fuck is he looking at me??” And he doesn’t know that this is a game and no matter what I am not going to be the first one to look away. He then may try to eek out another two seconds of eye contact, but I’m not going anywhere. Then, he has no other choice but to look away. He’ll shake his head a little, then flex his arms, and puff out his chest, convincing himself he’s still king dick. And I’ll keep on looking at him and wait for him to make eye contact again and that’s when I’ll flash a smile that says “You’re a fuckin pussy”. And then go about my subway ride. It’s amazing. And all you were doing is looking at someone. Its that whole 90% of communication isn't with words. I don’t believe that being confrontational with people in your life is healthy at all, but strangers? Fuck strangers. Get your testosterone flowing a little bit, feel your balls swell up - Fuck yah I’m a dude. And now I’m gonna throw some eyes at this blonde bitty across the aisle and let her know I like the way she’s put together.
I guess, the best way to go about this is to go in chronological of when I met these girls. So I woke up that Sunday after Disney, determined to keep it going. Blasted tunes, showered, and threw on Redskins gear and headed to the Redskins bar Redemption. My thoughts were - my chances for success would be much higher with finding a girl with similar interests, i.e. the Redskins. It is also important to point out, once again I was being a bitch. Stacking the deck is something that a weak player has to do - winners just win. Regardless, I head up to the bar, and it’s packed. I scope out the front bar, packed, make my way to the back bar, packed. The bartender however sees me looking for a seat, and lets me know that there is one seat available at the end of the bar. Party of one? Yes. My friends who like the Redskins in the city suck. Anyways, I’m at the bar and the bartender is a fuckin babe. Like holy shit. I’m determined, so I make real effort to conversate with her. I order a Bud Light because I’m broke and they are only $3 during the game. As I try to stomach the sad excuse of a lager (sorry I’ve become a bit of a beer snob) I start firing questions at her, but really am not giving off a vibe of hey I’m attracted to you, but rather hey I’m super friendly. Read:pussy. She is however, being super nice, and it doesn’t take long for me to figure out she is super dumb. I know there are tons of smart, vibrant, sexy bartenders out there, especially in the city, but she was not one of them. Highlights included her thinking that beer has only been around since the 20th century, right angles were 180 degrees (don’t ask), and that New York City was the capital of New York. She was however, wearing a crop top Skins tee (fucking hot), and booty shorts, so I listened intently on the knowledge she was dropping on me. I surprisingly was making her a little jealous by talking to the girl next to me, who was married, sucks, but still was very talkative and flirty. Then two things happened one utterly amazing, the other not so much. So wearing her little skimpy outfit, she hands me her phone and asks to take a picture. Ok. So I’m lining her up and she throws up deuces and a duck face. Aw that’s sad. I take the picture and she takes back her phone and she is sending it to someone. “Oh who are you sending it to? You’re boooyfriend?” “No, my dad”...Uhhh, what the fuck? Crop top, booty shorts, deuces, duck face, Dad, got it. Then 5 minutes later one of the best things I have ever seen in a bar happened. Redemption was doing $25 120oz beer towers (that really looked like massive blenders, not tall thin towers). So the girl and the guy two people away from me order one. The bartender is maybe 115lbs and the beer towers are pretty heavy. I watched the whole scenario start to finish. The bartender is struggling a little trying to fill up the beer tower. She successfully does that, but now she has to take the tower and put it on the base that has the spout that pours out the beer. She goes to put it in and completely misses and essentially launches 120oz of beer on this poor girl. It was like throwing a full bucket of beer into the girls face, hair, and body. She literally showered her with beer. The girl lets out a blood curdling scream and can’t do anything, but just take it. I immediately start laughing and could not stop. I felt REALLY bad for both the girl and the bartender, but I simply could not stop laughing. I mean this girl was just sitting at the bar soaked almost head to toe in beer. The bartender was obviously very apologetic and gave her a bar tshirt to change into and all the rest, but she still was sitting there sopping wet with beer. God, that must of sucked.
Its around this time that I leave my seat and start walking around trying to find girls that look available. I come across two girls, one is tall, blonde, kinda gangly, and the other is shorter, brunette, great face, great body. I concentrate on the latter. I forget what I said, but if I had to guess I probably said something along the lines of “Please tell me you saw that” Of course neither of them saw the beer shower, so I had to describe it in detail, and then I’m pretty sure I came across like a bit of an asshole because I was laughing the entire time while telling the story. Somehow I’m pretty relaxed, trying to remember everything that worked last night, and so on. Talking to her and hearing her vocabulary, it is very clear this chick is bright, like really bright. She’s a lawyer, Gettysburg undergrad, Villanova grad. Worked commercial litigation for some mega firm in midtown, but about a month ago she came to the conclusion she really wasn’t happy and is now taking some time off to figure things out. She is actually a Pats fan and was just giving her friend company for the Skins game. OK, so lets break this down. She’s smarter than me, check, made probably 4x what I do, check, has a JD from a prestigious university, check, is way more attractive, check. It’s good to swing for the fences. I built pretty good rapport with her, especially when it came to her reevaluating her career and taking some time off (go figure). I was asking a lot of the right questions, and I could tell she was feeling me, but on no grand scale. Holy shit, am I gonna go two for two? Things were going pretty well, and then boom, silence. Instead of not being phased by it at all, letting the silence happen and then picking up another conversation naturally, I awkwardly stare at the game and sip my beer like I’m on the lawn in a King of the Hill episode. And of course, a bro that was talking to her blonde friend swoops right in and starts a dialog. Mother fucker. I strangely stand on the sideline and try to interject a word or two so it will be like a awesome four friend convo, super cool! Then I get straight boxed out by bro dog, and I am now having a terrible conversation with the blonde. This happens for probably the next 15 minutes. I become frustrated and despondent that I essentially just got worked. Half time hits and I announce to the “group” that I was going to hit up another bar and meet my friends, lie. I mope down the stairs and start heading for the door. Then I become almost enraged with myself. You fucking pussy, you fucking pussy, you fucking pussy. She was starting to dig you and you let some bro dog swoop in? You fucking pussy.
I make it to the door and have the quintessential "Fuck It" moment. So what, I’m going to walk back up, ask her out, she’s gonna say no, and then I’m never going to see her again, whatever. I walk back up the stairs, head straight towards her. Bro dog is in the middle of the conversation, I put my hand on his shoulder say “Excuse me” and then put my body in between her and him. Balls. I muster a half cocked “Hey would you maybe want to go out sometime?”. But I asked in a "You're probably going to say no, but I was just wondering" type of way. Pussy. “Umm yah. Take down my number.” To say I was shocked doesn’t begin to scrape the surface of what I was feeling. So much so that I grab my phone and just dial her number and hit send (not saving it in contacts or anything). “Ok cool, I’ll be in touch.” As I turn around to walk back out of the bar, I catch bro dogs face. It’s all about little victories. I won’t be forgetting what his face looked like for a long time. It was a great walk home. Until I realized I have no fucking clue what her name is. Like not even what it started with, nada. Fuck. So she was saved as Lawyer. Once again, waited a day, and tried to come up with as witty of a text as I could.
Not terrible, not great. Her answer was way better. But it took her five and half hours to answer, that was not a fun five and a half hours. I have come to realize this is just how she is with texting, she will text back the same day, but it could be hours, kind of hysterical really. So she was busy, and then out of the state, and all this other shit and I was sure I was being blown off. But no, the next Saturday we had our date.
So as stated, I had a birthday party to go to at 9:30 that night, so I had to meet her a little bit early. That birthday party was actually for Disney's friend and she wanted to take me as her date. Going from not being able to buy a date to meeting one babe at 7 and then meeting another at 9:30 is something so awesome it's hard to describe. So on Saturday I met up with the room mates for brunch and started drinking. I wasn't drunk, but we drank until about 4. Then around 5:30 I started to get a little nervous. After all I was about to go out with a hot lawyer, who, let's call a spade a spade, would be considered way out of my league in any other instance. So, like a sissy I began to imbibe, heavily. With my job I now have access to a bevy of free, high alcohol percentage, delicious beers so I capitalized on that. Starting off with a 10% River Horse Tripel, then a 8.5% Kwak, then a 8.8% Stone Sublimely Self Righteous Bastard (if you are looking for a top of line Black IPA, I highly suggest it.) So by the time the date came around I was pretty freakin loose, but still had my wits about me. I get to the bar and head back to the back.
The Ninth Ward is one of my favorite bars in my neighborhood with an amazing outdoor garden in the back with a sweet fountain. In case you didn't know, beautiful babies love anything al fresco, as do I. As I should of guessed she was running late, so in that amount of time I took one more down at the bar. I still have no idea what her name is (this is after a week of texting), but I'm banking on her not knowing mine either. I explain to the server my predicament and she thinks its hysterical and agrees to help me out. So Lawyer gets to the bar and looks, really fucking good. Make up was done all nice, great outfit that showed off every curve, just looked really nice. Going on a date with a woman that you are REALLY attracted to is fuckin sweet. I can't believe I used to go out with some girls just because they were willing, so stupid and so weak. She sits at the table and to my surprise she is pretty stoked about seeing me and excited to be out on this date. Drinks, talk, drinks, talk. The conversation is going very smooth, some cool things in common, and just having a nice time. Once again, can't stress it enough, eye contact with her was key. She was very candid and spoke openly which was nice, and its just awesome to have a conversation with someone who is pretty insightful and very intelligent. So after a couple drinks I excuse my self to visit the bathroom. I'm on the far end of the two top table and have to walk by her to get to the back door. As I walk by her she says, "Wait." Grabs my sweater and pulls me down to her and lands a big kiss. Then says something amazing along the lines of "I've wanted to do that since I sat down." WHAT?! Are you fucking kidding me? Wow. In the bathroom I sort of just stare at the mirror still in shock that actually happened. The rest of the time at Ninth Ward I probably had 4 more drinks or something, so like an idiot, I was pretty fuckin drunk when we walked out. She was only 3 deep on the day so she wanted to go across the street to a nice wine bar, Bar Veloce, and continue the date. Now I wish I could tell you all about Bar Veloce, but all I remember is that I was there and we made out a couple times. Other than that, I have no fucking clue what we talked about or anything else that happened. Black out. I didn't eat dinner, and had enough beers to erase any mild memory. This was really dumb and complete amateur hour. Now that I've been going out on a lot of dates I've come to realize that if you can't seal the deal (not get laid, but build enough attraction that she is really digging you) within two drinks, you are doing it wrong. The next thing I remember is meeting up with Disney at her friends birthday around 11, and that is a whole other post, guuu. The next day I woke up with a terrible feeling that the date with Lawyer ended terribly, so in a moment of weakness and extreme curiosity I sent this text.
As you can tell from the text, I came clean about not remembering what her name was, which wasn't that bad. She busted my balls a little, but didn't hold it against me. Unfortunately though, I am an idiot and kept on calling her Danielle because my best friend has two sisters - Danielle and her name. In my drunken haze I associated her with the other sisters name, Danielle, which was ridiculous and I called her that at least four times through out the night. SUPER SMOOTH! But as the text also states things didn't end bad and we left on a good note which I am thankful for. Currently, Lawyer is over in Europe traveling with her best friend for the month and it was like "Whelp, I'll guess I see you when I see you". This is actually pretty good timing because juggling is no picnic. But I'd be surprised if we didn't go out more when she gets back, but the beauty of having a few on the line, even though I did like her and had a good time with her, it really won't affect me if we don't.